Why SEO Services Are Key to Propelling Your Business Forward

October 10, 2019Joel Mehler

At this point, most businesses realize the importance of a basic SEO strategy. While search engine optimization remains a complex process on many levels, many businesses are starting to feel comfortable with some of the simpler elements of optimizing their websites and content to appeal to search engines, along with their ever-important target audiences. Of course, the internet is filled with how-to advice on SEO, which has created a whole generation of self-taught “experts” in the field. Continue reading to learn more about effective SEO campaigns and what SEO services are important to your business.

One of the most basic ideas of SEO is that when done strategically, it increases your online presence with increased website visibility by making it more searchable. You might not need to be a digital marketing expert to accomplish this basic goal, but the need for SEO goes so much deeper – and it’s something that’s best accomplished with an SEO professional by your side. Why are professional SEO services so important for today’s businesses? Here’s a closer look.

SEO Services Build a Connection with Your Target Audience

There’s one simple truth that makes SEO a must for businesses today, and it’s that organic search makes up the overwhelming majority of website traffic. Search engine optimization isn’t just about rising above the masses online, it’s also about positioning your brand so your target audience can easily find and engage with you on their terms – which just happens to be through search engines. The right marketing strategy paired with proper keyword research and technical SEO elements can drastically improve your search results in search engine rankings.

It can seem like SEO is all about metrics and analytics, and these numbers do play a starring role in determining if you’re on the right track with your current search engine optimization strategy. But at the end of the day, it’s the connections you’re after, and those can’t be made – at least in the numbers you’re looking for – without a dedicated search engine optimization strategy.

Trust and Credibility – the Dynamic Duo

Take a look around, and you’ll notice that consumers today have more choices than ever. When they’re looking to connect with a new business, they have the luxury of being choosy, and they’re more likely to give you a chance if they can find out a little bit about your business first.

This is where trust and credibility come into play. Google considers elements of your web presence that establish trust and credibility worthy of weighing rather heavily within in their search algorithm. They do this because they understand how important these factors are to their audience. At the end of the day, a search engine that places less than credible results in front of their users is less likely to see those users return.

So, you can see a connection here. Your target audience is looking for signs that you’re trustworthy and credible, and so is Google. SEO can help you establish this on both ends, but only if you do it correctly – which is why working with an SEO service is so important.

Trust and credibility can be established in a number of ways through SEO. For instance, creating in-depth, authoritative content on topics that are important to your target audience but haven’t been covered by others in your industry, developing a backlink building strategy that encourages links from other reputable sites, focusing on review generation, and local SEO to make it easier for local traffic to find you, just to name a few.

It’s All About User Experience

The beauty of search engine optimization is that it’s next to impossible to succeed at it and not create the ultimate in user experience for your audience. User experience (UX) is a term used to describe the overall level of usability and satisfaction your visitors find when they land on your website. It’s about providing a positive experience, free of the many common glitches that occur on sites without a dedicated approach to SEO.

Let’s take one of the most basic elements of SEO – speed. Did you know that when someone lands on your website, especially if it’s from a mobile device, that you only have a mere couple seconds for your site to load before the risk of them bouncing away begins to increase exponentially? Once you hit the three-second mark, you start waving goodbye to potential customers in droves. A big part of SEO is meeting your audience’s experience expectations.

There are elements of SEO services that you might not even be aware of. For instance, your site’s architecture and ease of usability, simplicity in web design, mobile responsiveness, quality internal and external links, and the list goes on.

Do You Really Need to Work With SEO Services to See Results?

Well, no. You can certainly take a hands-on approach to SEO and invest your time and resources into generating results for your business. The one thing that many businesses fail to consider is that time is money, and you’re not necessarily saving money or boosting your bottom line by tackling SEO yourself. In fact, it’s an arguable point that you’re diminishing profitability.

SEO services are complex, as are all elements of digital marketing. There are more layers to search engine optimization than you’ll ever be able to learn from a blog or a 1-hour crash course online. Plus, there’s a lot to be said for experience and in-depth knowledge of an ever-changing industry – something that an SEO agency can bring to the table.

The bottom line is that SEO services are essential for businesses today, regardless of how much of their customer and audience interactions happen online. SEO helps build your visibility in an increasingly crowded digital world, and it helps to form the valuable connections with your audience that can eventually be nurtured into conversions. All of this is far too valuable to trust in the hands of a novice when an experienced digital agency can work with you to ensure your success.

Experts in SEO Services & Digital Marketing

Taking the leap to trust an SEO company with the task of building a brand and reputation online is one that is often done with caution, and rightfully so. We understand how crucial the business, and we’d like the opportunity to show you how we can change your growth trajectory for the better with SEO. Contact Double Up Digital and speak with one of our SEO specialists to see how we can improve your current strategy.

Joel Mehler

A graduate of the University of Alabama, Joel was first introduced to digital marketing and SEO while participating in an international internship program in Barcelona, Spain. Joel maintains consistent oversight on strategy performance, client relations and day-to-day operations. Joel is an avid traveler and spends much of his free time in search of Atlanta’s next fun trend.